Anatomic Basic Study for Designing Reverse Island Flaps in the Palmar Muscle of Thenar Area 手掌大鱼际区逆行岛状皮瓣设计的解剖学基础
The true pattern frequences in thenar area and interdigital area I_2 are remarkably decreased in male. The frequences of true patterns in interdigital area I_3 and left thumb loop are remarkably increased in female. 发现男患者的大鱼际及I2指间区真实花纹出现频率显著减少,女惠者I3指间区真实花纹和左手拇指其形纹频率显著增高;
We discovered vascular balls of different shapes in the thenar and hypothenar area. 观察到在手鱼际和小鱼际皮肤区的真皮网状层内至少有8种形态不同的血管球;
The true patterns appeared in the interdigital area, especially between the middle and ring finger in the thenar area and in the hypothenar area. 指间区真实花纹出现率高,尤以3&4指间、大鱼际区、小鱼际区显著多于对照组。
Methods We observed 8 specimen hands by microscopic, and observed the branch of palmaris superficial vein in palm area, small thenar area, big thenar area and metacarpophalangeal area, and calculated its diameter. 方法8只新鲜成人手标本,用乳胶灌注后对手掌部浅静脉干在掌心区、大鱼际区、小鱼际区、腕掌区、掌指关节区的分支进行解剖学观察。
The rate of appearance of the true patterns at the thenar area in male obviously increased. 男性大鱼际区真实花纹出现率增高。